I have nothing approaching the mental or physical capacity to actually write a post, so instead I'm going to quote the always-lovely JRB of ladypoverty. If you read this blog, I'm sure you read his, but if you're one of those who doesn't read blog comments, you may have missed this:
People have more tolerance for each other when they don't exhaust it all in the daily appeal for life.Yes, yes, yes, a world of yes.
The same fools that show such obsequience at the job erupt into a furor at the slightest misunderstanding in the street.
When we spend all our tolerance for one thing we don't have it for another.
I hope to be back with more of my own thoughts tomorrow. For now, I am going to fall asleep watching the calmest movie I can find in my house.
One may not be taking papers and/or effects, but work is almost always going home (or at least past the office door) in some capacity.
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